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Ecologically conscious – students will compete in the Oxford debate tournament

This coming Friday, March 15 students of schools implementing the project entitled “Comprehensive actions for energy efficiency of the buildings of Primary School No. 4 and Technical School No. 1 in Żory” will take part in the District Oxford Debate Tournament.

The tournament will be held in two rounds at the “Na Starówce” cinema in Żory. Primary school students will start the debate at 9:30 a.m. and youth from secondary schools at 12:00.

The organizers  as the Żory City Hall supported by Mrs. Agnieszka Kraińska, proposed the following debate theses to the youth of secondary schools: Technical School No. 1 and School Complex No. 2:

1) Energy from renewable energy sources is the cheapest source of electricity,

2) Renewable energy can replace other energy sources in the energy mix.

The final thesis for the debate will be drawn during the event (March 15 this year), and then the proposal and opposition teams will be selected by way of drawing.

Students from primary schools will take part in the debate for Primary School No. 4 the name of Otylia Jędrzejczak and School and Kindergarten Complex No. 7 in Żory. The proposed debate topics are:

1) Renewable energy sources and nuclear power plants are the most stable and safe sources of electricity,

2) Renewable energy is a stable and cheap source of electricity.

We invite you to the debate!

The district Oxford debate tournament will be held as part of the project entitled “Comprehensive actions to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings of Primary School No. 4 and Technical School No. 1 in Żory”, for which the City of Żory obtained funding from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the program : “Environment, Energy and Climate Change”, program area: Energy.