Icealand Liechtenstein Norway grants
Polska flaga, Polskie godło

It’s brighter and cheaper – more work at Technical School No. 1 and Primary School No. 4 completed!

Work is still ongoing under the project entitled “Comprehensive actions to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings of Primary School No. 4 and Technical School No. 1 in Żory.” Technical School No. 1 already produces its own electricity thanks to a photovoltaic installation and in Primary School No. 4 is brighter thanks to the replacement of lighting.

Agreement for the delivery and installation of a photovoltaic installation for Technical School No. 1. the name of Nicolaus Copernicus in Żory has already been completed and the institution can use clean energy and save money. Photovoltaic panels with a total capacity of 4,968 kWp along with power optimizers and an inverter were installed on the roof of the building. Reports were also made to the State Fire Service in Żory and Tauron, an annex to the contract with Tauron related to photovoltaics was signed and the installation has been in operation for several months and allows the school to reduce energy bills.

There is also a lot going on in the building of Primary School No. 4 with Sports Departments and the Sports Championship the name of Otylia Jędrzejczak in Żory. The replacement of lighting fixtures in teaching rooms and the gymnasium has already been completed. This makes it not only brighter, but also more economical!

But that’s not all! A lot is happening both outside and inside the Primary School No. 4 building. A new central heating system has already been connected, the electrical installation has been replaced and plaster has been put on the walls. The walls and ceilings were also painted.

The replacement of windows and window sills has already been completed and the external doors have also been replaced. The roof and walls of the building have been insulated which which are prepared for plaster application. The gutters were also replaced and the renovation of chimneys was completed.

The work was carried out as part of the project entitled “Comprehensive actions to improve the energy efficiency of buildings of Primary School No. 4 and Technical School No. 1 in Żory” for which the City of Żory received funding from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the program: “Environment, Energy and Climate Change”, program area : Energy.