Icealand Liechtenstein Norway grants
Polska flaga, Polskie godło

They summarized the project entitled “Comprehensive actions to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings of Primary School No. 4 and Technical Secondary School No. 1 in Żory”

In Primary School No. 4 with sports and sports championship departments, name of Otylia Jędrzejczak in Żory, during the conference the implementation of the project entitled “Comprehensive actions to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings of Primary School No. 4 and Technical Secondary School No. 1 in Żory.” The conference was attended by, among […]

The participants of the “Green Corner at School” competition received awards

In Primary School No. 4 sports championship departments, name of Otylia Jędrzejczak in Żory, students of Żory schools participating in the “Green corner at school” competition were awarded. It was carried out as part of the project entitled “Comprehensive actions to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings of Primary School No. 4 and Technical […]