Icealand Liechtenstein Norway grants
Polska flaga, Polskie godło

About the project

The city of Żory concluded an agreement with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw for co-financing the project entitled “Comprehensive activities to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings of Primary School No. 4 and Technical School No. 1 in Żory” from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the program: “Environment, Energy and Climate Change”, program area: Energy.

The total value of the project is PLN 7 277 919,70.

The city obtained funding in the amount of: PLN 4 152 242,80, including:

– from the EEA Financial Mechanism: PLN 3 529 406,38

– from the state budget in the amount of PLN 622 836,42 .

Expected project completion date: April 2024.



Thermal modernization

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