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The participants of the “Green Corner at School” competition received awards

In Primary School No. 4 sports championship departments, name of Otylia Jędrzejczak in Żory, students of Żory schools participating in the “Green corner at school” competition were awarded. It was carried out as part of the project entitled “Comprehensive actions to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings of Primary School No. 4 and Technical Secondary School No. 1 in Żory.”

By organizing this competition, the Żory City Hall encouraged educational institutions in the city to create a vertical garden or a pocket park. The competition was intended to show how important nature is in life and how much the presence of plants improves the quality of the environment in which we live. Creating the “Green Corner” also allowed us to develop imagination, stimulate ecological awareness and creativity of students, and at the same time beautify the school or kindergarten area and show children and teenagers how important it is to take care of the environment.

The competition selected the most beautiful space in two categories: vertical garden and pocket park. The competition was addressed to all educational institutions located in the city of Żory. Each institution could submit a maximum of one work in each competition category. The awards were presented by: Waldemar Socha – Mayor of Żory and Katarzyna Bujar – Deputy Head of the City Strategy and Development Department, responsible for obtaining funding and implementing the project.

Vertical garden category results:

1st place School and Kindergarten Complex No. 7 in Żory (voucher worth PLN 1,500.00)
2nd Place Primary School No. 4 in Żory (voucher worth PLN 1,000.00),
Third place School and Kindergarten Complex No. 9 in Żory (voucher worth PLN 700.00).
Pocket Park Categories:

1st place School and Kindergarten Complex No. 7 in Żory (voucher worth PLN 1,500.00),
2nd Place Primary School No. 4 in Żory (voucher worth PLN 1,000.00),
3rd place, Primary School No. 16 in Żory (voucher worth PLN 700.00).
Vouchers worth PLN 150.00 each were also awarded for outstanding student involvement for the following schools: School and Kindergarten Complex No. 7 in Żory, Primary School No. 4 in Żory, School and Kindergarten Complex No. 9 in Żory, Primary School No. 17 in Żory.

Project titled “Comprehensive actions to improve the energy efficiency of buildings of Primary School No. 4 and Technical Secondary School No. 1 in Żory” was launched on March 14, 2023, when the City of Żory concluded an agreement with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw to co-finance this project from the funds of the Mechanism. Financial EEA 2014-2021 under the program: “Environment, Energy and Climate Change”, program area: Energy.

According to the concluded contract, the total value of this project is PLN 7,277,919.70
The city obtained funding in the amount of: PLN 4,152,242.80, including:
– from the EEA Financial Mechanism: PLN 3,529,406.38
– from the state budget in the amount of PLN 622,836.42.
Implementation is scheduled for April 2024.